You want sales. Just not the workload to create the campaign.
Introducing the

Where I'll design the entire funnel for your one campaign.
From writing your ad copy AND your sales/landing page AND your email follow-up sequences AND running your ad (if you don't have a person to help you with FB ads) AND cook up some social media posts along the way.Works best if you are selling consulting or services to other businesses or direct to consumers (but not e-commerce because those require different funnels and backend integrations).
Hi, I'm Andrew.I help businesses build deeper relationships with their prospects and customers through emails.But to launch a successful and profitable sales campaign, you'll need more than emails.👉 You need to drive traffic to your offer through a combination of organic social media and paid traffic.👉 Then you need a sales/landing page to pitch your offer.👉 And you'll need emails to remind them how great your offer is and why they should buy from you.💥 And all these need to work together like an orchestra playing a symphony 💥.
That's looks like a lot of work!!!
Yes, it is.And like a orchestra, you'll need several tools to make this work.That's why I'm offering to do this all for you including integrating the tools together.All you need is a domain name and a subscription to an email service provider (don't worry, if you don't have one, I can get one for you for free - to send up to 1,000 emails subscribers).Oh, you gotta have a great offer to sell. And people want them.
How long would this campaign last?
Normally, such a campaign will run for a month.Of course, you can choose to make it evergreen and let it run for how ever long you wish.But my engagement will be for one month.We can always discuss an extension once the sales flood in.
Is this only for ONE campaign?
Yes. Let's start with one first.Get the sales in and we can look at others.Just so you know, I'm personally doing this for you.✅ Set up your email marketing platform.✅ Write your ad copy.✅ Design and write your sales/landing page.✅ Write your email sequences.✅ Run your ads on Facebook.✅ Write your social media posts.
How would I know if this will work for my business?
Know what? I'm curious too.You've read my offer - you know what I'm gonna do.I'd also like to know whether I can actually help your particular business.So why not we jump on a discovery call and find out together?You know, sort out the nitty gritty before you make a go-no-go decision.Book your schedule below and we'll talk.
Limited slots available.
I can only work on three clients at any one time.
Andrew Wong | The Email Guy2023. All rights